Usage analytics + data privacy

By default, when using Burr, it collects anonymous usage data to help improve Burr and know where to apply development efforts.

We capture events on the following occasions:

  1. When an application is built

  2. When one of the execution functions is run in Application

  3. When a CLI command is run

The captured data is limited to:

  • Operating System and Python version

  • A persistent UUID to indentify the session, stored in ~/.burr.conf.

  • The name of the function/CLI command that was run

If you’re worried, see for details.

If you do not wish to participate, one can opt-out with one of the following methods:

  1. Set it to false programmatically in your code before creating a Burr application builder:

from burr import telemetry
  1. Set the key telemetry_enabled to false in ~/.burr.conf under the DEFAULT section:

telemetry_enabled = False
  1. Set BURR_TELEMETRY_ENABLED=false as an environment variable. Either setting it for your shell session:


or passing it as part of the run command: