Additional Visibility


Burr comes with the ability to see inside your actions. This is a very pluggable framework that comes with the default tracking client, but can also be hooked up to tools such as OpenTelemetry


Burr comes with a tracing capability to see recursive spans inside an action. This is similar to the OpenTelemetry sdk, although it is simplified significantly.

To add the tracing capability, the action first has to declare a __tracer input. This is a an object that instantiates spans and tracks state.

Then, using the __tracer as a callable, you can instantiate spans and track state.

For the function-based API, this would look as follows:

from burr.visibility import TracingFactory
from burr.core import action

@action(reads=['input_var'], writes=['output_var'])
def my_action(state: State, __tracer: TracingFactory) -> Tuple[dict, State]:
    with __tracer('process_data'):
        initial_data = _process_data(state['input_var'])
        with __tracer('validate_data'):
    with __tracer('transform_data', dependencies=['process_data']):
        transformed_data = _transform(initial_data)
    return {'output_var': transformed_data}, state.update({'output_var': transformed_data})

This would create the following traces:

  1. process_data

  2. validate_data as a child of process_data

  3. transform_data as a causal dependent of process_data

Dependencies are used to express [dag](-style structures of spans within actions. This is useful for gaining visibility into the internal structure of an action, but is likely best used with integrations with micro-orchestration systems for implementating actions, such as Hamilton or Lanchain. This maps to the span link concept in OpenTelemetry.

Note that, on the surface, this doesn’t actually do anything. It has to be paired with the appropriate hooks. These just function as callbacks (on enter/exit). The LocalTrackingClient, used by the tracking feature forms one of these hooks, but we will be adding more, including:

  1. An OpenTelemetry client

  2. A DataDog client


The class-based API can leverage this by declaring inputs as __tracer and then using the __tracer inside the run method.


(This is a work in progress, and is not complete)

You can make observations on the state by calling out to the log_artifact method on the __tracer context manager. For instance:

from burr.visibility import TracingFactory, ArtifactLogger
from burr.core import action

@action(reads=['input_var'], writes=['output_var'])
def my_action(
    state: State,
    __tracer: TracingFactory,
    __logger: ArtifactLogger
    ) -> Tuple[dict, State]:
    with __tracer('process_data'):
        initial_data = _process_data(state['input_var'])
        with __tracer('validate_data'):
            validation_results = _validate(initial_data)
    with __tracer('transform_data', dependencies=['process_data'])
        transformed_data = _transform(initial_data)

    return {'output_var': transformed_data}, state.update({'output_var': transformed_data})

The output can be any “json-dumpable” object (or pydantic model). This will be stored along with the span and can be used for debugging or analysis.

You can read more in the reference documentation.