State Persistence

Burr provides a set of tools to make loading and saving state easy. These are functions that will be used by lifecycle hooks to save and load state.

If you want to implement your own state persister (to bridge it with a database), you should implement the BaseStatePersister interface.

class burr.core.persistence.BaseStatePersister

Bases: BaseStateLoader, BaseStateSaver

Utility interface for a state reader/writer. This both persists and initializes state. Extend this class if you want an easy way to implement custom state storage.


Initializes the app for saving, set up any databases, etc.. you want to here.

abstract list_app_ids(partition_key: str, **kwargs) list[str]

Returns list of app IDs for a given primary key

abstract load(
partition_key: str,
app_id: str | None,
sequence_id: int | None = None,
) PersistedStateData | None

Loads the state for a given app_id

  • partition_key – the partition key. Note this could be None, but it’s up to the persistor to whether that is a valid value it can handle.

  • app_id – the identifier for the app instance being recorded.

  • sequence_id – optional, the state corresponding to a specific point in time. If not provided, should return the latest.


position, state, sequence_id

abstract save(
partition_key: str | None,
app_id: str,
sequence_id: int,
position: str,
state: State,
status: Literal['completed', 'failed'],

Saves the state for a given app_id, sequence_id, position

(PK, App_id, sequence_id, position) are a unique identifier for the state. Why not just (PK, App_id, sequence_id)? Because we’re over-engineering this here. We’re always going to have a position so might as well make it a quadruple.

  • partition_key – the partition key. Note this could be None, but it’s up to the persistor to whether that is a valid value it can handle.

  • app_id – Appliaction UID to write with

  • sequence_id – Sequence ID of the last executed step

  • position – The action name that was implemented

  • state – The current state of the application

  • status – The status of this state, either “completed” or “failed”. If “failed” the state is what it was before the action was applied.

Internally, this interface combines the following two interfaces:

class burr.core.persistence.BaseStateLoader

Base class for state initialization. This goes together with a BaseStateSaver to form the database for your application.

abstract list_app_ids(partition_key: str, **kwargs) list[str]

Returns list of app IDs for a given primary key

abstract load(
partition_key: str,
app_id: str | None,
sequence_id: int | None = None,
) PersistedStateData | None

Loads the state for a given app_id

  • partition_key – the partition key. Note this could be None, but it’s up to the persistor to whether that is a valid value it can handle.

  • app_id – the identifier for the app instance being recorded.

  • sequence_id – optional, the state corresponding to a specific point in time. If not provided, should return the latest.


position, state, sequence_id

class burr.core.persistence.BaseStateSaver

Bases: ABC

Basic Interface for state writing. This goes together with a BaseStateLoader to form the database for your application.


Initializes the app for saving, set up any databases, etc.. you want to here.

abstract save(
partition_key: str | None,
app_id: str,
sequence_id: int,
position: str,
state: State,
status: Literal['completed', 'failed'],

Saves the state for a given app_id, sequence_id, position

(PK, App_id, sequence_id, position) are a unique identifier for the state. Why not just (PK, App_id, sequence_id)? Because we’re over-engineering this here. We’re always going to have a position so might as well make it a quadruple.

  • partition_key – the partition key. Note this could be None, but it’s up to the persistor to whether that is a valid value it can handle.

  • app_id – Appliaction UID to write with

  • sequence_id – Sequence ID of the last executed step

  • position – The action name that was implemented

  • state – The current state of the application

  • status – The status of this state, either “completed” or “failed”. If “failed” the state is what it was before the action was applied.

Supported Implementations

Currently we support the following, although we highly recommend you contribute your own! We will be adding more shortly.

class burr.core.persistence.SQLLitePersister(db_path: str, table_name: str = 'burr_state', serde_kwargs: dict = None)

Class for SQLLite persistence of state. This is a simple implementation.

__init__(db_path: str, table_name: str = 'burr_state', serde_kwargs: dict = None)


  • db_path – the path the DB will be stored.

  • table_name – the table name to store things under.

  • serde_kwargs – kwargs for state serialization/deserialization.

create_table_if_not_exists(table_name: str)

Helper function to create the table where things are stored if it doesn’t exist.


Creates the table if it doesn’t exist

list_app_ids(partition_key: str, **kwargs) list[str]

Returns list of app IDs for a given primary key

partition_key: str | None,
app_id: str,
sequence_id: int = None,
) PersistedStateData | None

Loads state for a given partition id.

Depending on the parameters, this will return the last thing written, the last thing written for a given app_id, or a specific sequence_id for a given app_id.

  • partition_key

  • app_id

  • sequence_id


partition_key: str,
app_id: str,
sequence_id: int,
position: str,
state: State,
status: Literal['completed', 'failed'],

Saves the state for a given app_id, sequence_id, and position.

This method connects to the SQLite database, converts the state to a JSON string, and inserts a new record into the table with the provided partition_key, app_id, sequence_id, position, and state. After the operation, it commits the changes and closes the connection to the database.

  • partition_key – The partition key. This could be None, but it’s up to the persistor to whether that is a valid value it can handle.

  • app_id – The identifier for the app instance being recorded.

  • sequence_id – The state corresponding to a specific point in time.

  • position – The position in the sequence of states.

  • state – The state to be saved, an instance of the State class.

  • status – The status of this state, either “completed” or “failed”. If “failed” the state is what it was before the action was applied.



class burr.integrations.persisters.postgresql.PostgreSQLPersister(connection, table_name: str = 'burr_state', serde_kwargs: dict = None)

Class for PostgreSQL persistence of state. This is a simple implementation.

To try it out locally with docker – here’s a command – change the values as appropriate.

docker run --name local-psql \  # container name
           -v local_psql_data:/SOME/FILE_PATH/ \  # mounting a volume for data persistence
           -p 54320:5432 \  # port mapping
           -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=my_password \  # superuser password
           -d postgres  # database name

Then you should be able to create the class like this:

p = PostgreSQLPersister.from_values("postgres", "postgres", "my_password",
                                   "localhost", 54320, table_name="burr_state")
__init__(connection, table_name: str = 'burr_state', serde_kwargs: dict = None)


  • connection – the connection to the PostgreSQL database.

  • table_name – the table name to store things under.

create_table(table_name: str)

Helper function to create the table where things are stored.

classmethod from_config(
config: dict,
) PostgreSQLPersister

Creates a new instance of the PostgreSQLPersister from a configuration dictionary.

classmethod from_values(
db_name: str,
user: str,
password: str,
host: str,
port: int,
table_name: str = 'burr_state',

Builds a new instance of the PostgreSQLPersister from the provided values.

  • db_name – the name of the PostgreSQL database.

  • user – the username to connect to the PostgreSQL database.

  • password – the password to connect to the PostgreSQL database.

  • host – the host of the PostgreSQL database.

  • port – the port of the PostgreSQL database.

  • table_name – the table name to store things under.


Creates the table

list_app_ids(partition_key: str, **kwargs) list[str]

Lists the app_ids for a given partition_key.

partition_key: str | None,
app_id: str,
sequence_id: int = None,
) PersistedStateData | None

Loads state for a given partition id.

Depending on the parameters, this will return the last thing written, the last thing written for a given app_id, or a specific sequence_id for a given app_id.

  • partition_key

  • app_id

  • sequence_id


partition_key: str,
app_id: str,
sequence_id: int,
position: str,
state: State,
status: Literal['completed', 'failed'],

Saves the state for a given app_id, sequence_id, and position.

This method connects to the SQLite database, converts the state to a JSON string, and inserts a new record into the table with the provided partition_key, app_id, sequence_id, position, and state. After the operation, it commits the changes and closes the connection to the database.

  • partition_key – The partition key. This could be None, but it’s up to the persistor to whether that is a valid value it can handle.

  • app_id – The identifier for the app instance being recorded.

  • sequence_id – The state corresponding to a specific point in time.

  • position – The position in the sequence of states.

  • state – The state to be saved, an instance of the State class.

  • status – The status of this state, either “completed” or “failed”. If “failed” the state is what it was before the action was applied.



set_serde_kwargs(serde_kwargs: dict)

Sets the serde_kwargs for the persister.

class burr.integrations.persisters.b_redis.RedisPersister(host: str, port: int, db: int, password: str = None, serde_kwargs: dict = None)

A class used to represent a Redis Persister.

This class is responsible for persisting state data to a Redis database. It inherits from the BaseStatePersister class.

host: str,
port: int,
db: int,
password: str = None,
serde_kwargs: dict = None,

Initializes the RedisPersister class.

  • host

  • port

  • db

  • password

create_key(app_id, partition_key, sequence_id)

Create a key for the Redis database.

list_app_ids(partition_key: str, **kwargs) list[str]

List the app ids for a given partition key.

partition_key: str,
app_id: str,
sequence_id: int = None,
) PersistedStateData | None

Load the state data for a given partition key, app id, and sequence id.

If the sequence id is not given, it will be looked up in the Redis database. If it is not found, None will be returned.

  • partition_key

  • app_id

  • sequence_id

  • kwargs


Value or None.

partition_key: str,
app_id: str,
sequence_id: int,
position: str,
state: State,
status: Literal['completed', 'failed'],

Save the state data to the Redis database.

  • partition_key

  • app_id

  • sequence_id

  • position

  • state

  • status

  • kwargs


class burr.integrations.persisters.b_mongodb.MongoDBPersister(
serde_kwargs: dict = None,

A class used to represent a MongoDB Persister.

Example usage:

persister = MongoDBPersister(uri='mongodb://user:pass@localhost:27017', db_name='mydatabase', collection_name='mystates')
    state=state.State({'key': 'value'}),
loaded_state = persister.load(partition_key='example_partition', app_id='example_app', sequence_id=1)
serde_kwargs: dict = None,

Initializes the MongoDBPersister class.

list_app_ids(partition_key: str, **kwargs) list[str]

List the app ids for a given partition key.

partition_key: str,
app_id: str,
sequence_id: int = None,
) PersistedStateData | None

Load the state data for a given partition key, app id, and sequence id.

partition_key: str,
app_id: str,
sequence_id: int,
position: str,
state: State,
status: Literal['completed', 'failed'],

Save the state data to the MongoDB database.

Note that the LocalTrackingClient leverages the BaseStateLoader to allow loading state, although it uses different mechanisms to save state (as it tracks more than just state).