Divide and Conquer

A single agent can usually operate effectively using a handful of tools within a single domain, but even using powerful models like gpt-4, it can be less effective at using many tools.

One way to approach complicated tasks is through a “divide-and-conquer” approach: create a “specialized agent” for each task or domain and route tasks to the correct “expert”. This means that each agent can become a sequence of LLM calls that chooses how to use a specific “tool”.

The examples we link to below are inspired by the paper AutoGen: Enabling Next-Gen LLM Applications via Multi-Agent Conversation by Wu, et. al.. They can be found in this part of our repository.

We provide two implementations of this idea: with Hamilton and with LangChain LCEL. From Burr’s standpoint, both look similar and you’re free to use your preferred framework within an action.

With Hamilton

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With LangChain Expression Language (LCEL)

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