
These instructions will be assuming use of pip and virtualenv. Replace with your package manager of choice if you prefer.


To get started, create a fork of Burr on the github UI, and clone it to your local machine.

git clone<your_space>/burr.git


Next you’ll want to cd into the directory and install burr in developer mode:

cd burr
pip install -e ".[developer]"

This will install all potential dependencies. Burr will work with python >=3.9.


Burr has pre-commit hooks enabled. This comes with the developer extras. You can always run the pre-commit hooks manually (on all files). Do this if it somehow wasn’t configured and its in a bad state.

pre-commit run --all

For the UI, we leverage husky and lint-staged to run the pre-commit hooks on the client side. This actually runs pre-commits for the whole repository, so you can run through husky if you want.

You can also run the pre-commit hooks for the UI manually:

npm run lint:fix
npm run format:fix

from within the telemetry/ui directory.