
Python Module

The python module is located in the burr/ directory. Tests are located in the tests/ directory. To run the tests, use the following command:

python -m pytest tests/

Tracking server

The tracking server is located inside the python package. To run the server, you can use the utility cli:

BURR_SERVE_STATIC=false burr-admin-server --no-open --dev-mode

This will start the server on port 7241. Note that this is just a python wrapper – this also captures stdout. We will be fixing this, but if you want to run it directly (which is best for debugging), you’ll want to run it with uvicorn:

BURR_SERVE_STATIC=false uvicorn --port 7241 --reload

We disable serving static files as we want to be able to develop simultaneously with the UI and npm’s reloading capabilities do not work with the static python server.

Tracking UI

The tracking UI lives within telemetry/ui To run the tracking UI, you will need to have npm installed. Then, you can run the following commands:

$ cd telemetry/ui
$ npm install
$ npm run start

This will start the UI on port 3000. You can then navigate to http://localhost:3000 to see the UI. It currently assumes that the tracking server is running on port 7241. The proxy is set up in the package.json file.

Note that if you want to just develop off the server you’ll first have to build the UI and symlink the tracking/server/build directory to the telemetry/ui/build directory. We have this structure to enable easy inclusion of package data in pyproject.toml.

You can do this with the following command:

$ burr-admin-build-ui


The documentation is located in the docs/ directory. To build and serve the documentation, you can use the following sphinx command:

$ sphinx-autobuild -b dirhtml -W -E -T  --watch docs/ -a docs /tmp/mydocs

This will start the server on port 8000. You can then navigate to http://localhost:8000 to see the documentation. Heed any warnings and fix them!