
Please read the code of conduct prior to contributing. Then follow these guidelines:

  1. Create a fork of the repository.

  2. Ensure all tests pass.

  3. Make a PR to the main repository.

  4. Ping one of the maintainers to review your PR.

Contribution guidelines¶


  1. Keep your commits modular

  2. Add descriptive commit messages

  3. Attach a PR to an issue if applicable

  4. Ensure all new features have tests

  5. Add documentation for new features


All examples must have the following files: 1. A file that describes the example – this should follow the pattern of the others 2. A requirements.txt file that lists the dependencies for the example 3. An file whose mainline runs a simple version of the example + generates the DAG to 4. A statemachine.png file that shows the DAG for the example 3. A notebook.ipynb file that uses the example in a

The notebook.ipynb can import stuff from the, or redefine it as an example. If you have something that does not fit this, or is a prototype but you want to push it in, you can fit in under the half-baked directory.

Developer notes¶


Burr comes with a cli that is both user/developer facing.

this is required in order to publish, do not do so otherwise

This will be turned into a Makefile, but for now we have a set of commands in pyproject.toml that are used to publish, etc…

To run the just the server for development:

$ burr --dev-mode --no-open # will run the server on port 7241

To publish – this will build the FE + publish the BE to the pypi prod instance. Note you have to have pypi credentials to do this:

$ burr-admin-publish --prod

To generate the demo data (if you make a change to the schema, ideally forward-compatible):

$ burr-admin-generate-demo-data

Not part of the CLI (yet), but running just the UI is simple:

$ cd burr/ui
$ npm run start

Package data¶

Several static assets are included in the python package so we can run the UI. Namely:

  1. The examples directory is symlinked from burr/examples to allow for package-style imports

  2. The build/ directory is symlinked from burr/tracking/server to allow for static assets referred to by the server to be included in the package. Note that this does not get committed – this requires use of the CLI above.