Streaming Actions¶


Burr actions can stream results! This enables you to display results to the user as tokens are streamed in.

Actions can be implemented as streaming results. This enables a lower time-to-first-token and a more interactive interface in the case of AI applications or streaming in of metrics in a model-training application. Broadly, this is a tool to enable quicker user interaction in longer running actions that require user focus.

Like other actions, these can be implemented both as functions and as classes, and can use synchronous or asynchrounous APIs.

They are used differently from regular actions – the application wraps their result in a StreamingResultContainer, or a AsyncStreamingResultContainerAsync for async streaming actions.


Streaming actions can be implemented as a class or a function, just like actions. However, they have a few additional rules:

  1. They give intermediate results to the user as they are produced in the form of a generator

  2. They are responsible for determining the relationship between the intermediate results and the final result

  3. They yield intermediate results to the framework, and the last yield is the final result (with everything joined). Don’t forget the last yield!

The function-based streaming action is fairly simple. Note that we yield a tuple of the result and the state update. The state update is None for intermediate results and the final state for the final result.

from burr.core.action import streaming_action

@streaming_action(reads=["prompt"], writes=["prompt"])
def streaming_chat_call(state: State, **run_kwargs) -> Generator[Tuple[dict, Optional[State], None, None]]:
    client = openai.Client()
    response =
            'role': 'user',
            'content': state["prompt"]
    buffer = []
    for chunk in response:
        delta = chunk.choices[0].delta.content
        yield {'response': delta}, None # No state update on intermediate results
    full_response = ''.join(buffer)
    yield {'response': full_response}, state.append(response=full_response) # Update state on final results

A class-based streaming action might look like this:

from burr.core.action import StreamingAction

class StreamingChatCall(StreamingAction):
    def stream_run(self, state: State, **run_kwargs) -> Generator[dict, None, None]:
        client = openai.Client()
        response =
                'role': 'user',
                'content': state["prompt"]
        buffer = []
        for chunk in response:
            delta = chunk.choices[0].delta.content
            yield {'response': delta}
        full_response = ''.join(buffer)
        yield {'response': full_response}

    def reads(self) -> list[str]:
        return ["prompt"]

    def writes(self) -> list[str]:
        return ["response"]

    def update(self, result: dict, state: State) -> State:
        return state.append(response=result["response"])

The logic is split between stream_run, which is responsible for generating the intermediate results and joining them into the final result, and update, which is responsible for collecting the final result and updating the state. The final yield statement in stream_run is used to return the final result to the framework, which is passed to update. Note that the class-based variant separates out run/update into two methods, meaning that it only yields the result and not the state update. The function-based variant, above, combined the two.

async streaming actions are also supported. The corresponding function-based async looks like this:

from burr.core.action import streaming_action

@streaming_action(reads=["prompt"], writes=["prompt"])
async def streaming_chat_call(state: State, **run_kwargs) -> AsyncGenerator[Tuple[dict, Optional[State]], None]:
    client = openai.AsyncClient()
    response = await
            'role': 'user',
            'content': state["prompt"]
    buffer = []
    async for chunk in response: # loop over in async
        delta = chunk.choices[0].delta.content
        yield {'response': delta}, None # No state update on intermediate results
    full_response = ''.join(buffer)
    yield {'response': full_response}, state.append(response=full_response) # Update state on final results

The class-based async streaming action will look like this:

from burr.core.action import StreamingAction

class StreamingChatCallAsync(StreamingAction):
    async def stream_run(self, state: State, **run_kwargs) -> AsyncGenerator[dict, None]:
        client = openai.Client()
        response = await
                'role': 'user',
                'content': state["prompt"]
        buffer = []
        async for chunk in response:
            delta = chunk.choices[0].delta.content
            yield {'response': delta}
        full_response = ''.join(buffer)
        yield {'response': full_response}

    def reads(self) -> list[str]:
        return ["prompt"]

    def writes(self) -> list[str]:
        return ["response"]

    def update(self, result: dict, state: State) -> State:
        return state.append(response=result["response"])


When you call out to stream_result (as well as its corresponding async implementation astream_result on a streaming action, you will get a StreamingResultContainer, or a AsyncStreamingResultContainerAsync object.

This object is effectively a cached iterator. You can use it as follows:

action, streaming_result = application.stream_result(
    halt_after='streaming_response', inputs={"prompt": prompt}
for result in streaming_result:
    print(result) # one by one

result, state = streaming_result.get()
print(result) # get the result
action, async_streaming_result = await application.astream_result(
    halt_after='streaming_response', inputs={"prompt": prompt}
async for result in async_streaming_result:
    print(result) # one by one

result, state = await async_streaming_result.get()
print(result) #  all at once

Thus you can run this in a web-service, a streamlit app, etc…


All hooks/state update will be called once the iterator completes, or an exception interrupts the iterator and it has to be cleaned up. You can call .stream_result() or .astream_result() on non-streaming results, and it will return a StreamingResultContainer with an empty iterator that returns the result. If streaming items are run as intermediate nodes in the graph, they will be run as normal actions (effectively fully exhausted), and the result will be returned as a single item. Currently you cannot use synchronous streaming actions as asynchronous streaming actions, but we will likely be adding a bridge.

In version 0.18.0 we changed the synchronous method of streaming to be consistent with the asynchronous method. If you’re using the old version, there are a few changes you’ll have to make (for the function-based API):

  1. The return type of the streaming action should be Generator[Tuple[dict, Optional[State], None, None]] instead of Generator[dict, None, Tuple[dict, State]].

  2. All intermediate results should be yielded as yield {'response': delta}, None instead of yield {'response': delta}.

  3. The final result will be a yield instead of a return